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Funnel Fuel Filters


Funnel Fuel Filters

The inevitable damage in stored fuel caused by microbial growth, corrosive acids, electrolysis, and rust is from dirt and water. These damages include plugged filters, corroded components, decreased efficient combustion, engine PTFE Coated shutdown or system failure. Such damages can now be avoided with a brand new heavy-duty, fast-flow, filter-in-a-product which features a funnel with the capacity to separate damaging free water and contaminants down to 0.003 inches from gasoline, diesel, heating oil, and kerosene. This feature is for people who need clean dry fuel on the go as it allows you to visually inspect the integrity of your fuel supply as you refuel.

Screenshot 2023-01-31 035335.png
Screenshot 2023-01-31 035737.png


Special choice

The built-in DuPont Teflon PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) coated stainless steel screen filter makes it great for Diesel Generator sets, Earthmovers, Excavators, Off-highway equipment etc.  Cummins Funnel Fuel Filter facilitates the inspection of fuel for contamination in the form of solids and free water and is designed to work with fuels only. 


Test your filter

To test the Cummins Funnel Fuel Filter, simply fill with water, roughly 1/3 the way up the screen. This amount of water should not pass through the Teflon-coated filter screen. Keep this amount in mind when using the Cummins Funnel Fuel Filter knowing that the head pressure caused by the weight of more than this may cause water to pass through the screen.

0.2 1b (0.09 kg)
0.3 1b (0.14 kg)
0.6 1b (0.27 kg)
1.0 1b (0.45 kg)
3.5 in. (8.9 cm)
5.5 in. (14.0 cm)
8.5 in. (21.6 cm)
8.5 in. (21.6 cm)
6.0 in. (15.2 cm)
9.0 in. (22.9 cm)
10.0 in. (25.4 cm)
10.0 in. (25.4 cm)
Micron Rating
50 micron
50 micron
50 micron
50 micron
Max. Flow Rate
2.5 GPM (9.4 LPM)
3.5 GPM (13.2 LPM)
5 GPM (18.9 LPM)
12 GPM (56.8 LPM)
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